
Welcome to ZHydro!!

ZHydro includes members of various research groups working in Zurich area (“Z”) and studying a wide range of hydrological processes (“Hydro”), ranging from scales of microbes in single pores to the processes at the global scale. Our research covers all processes of the critical zone (see image below), including soils, aquifers, plants, and the interaction with the atmosphere. 

ZHydro includes 130 persons that inform each other about news and forthcoming events. One important aspect of ZHydro is the organization of the "Seminar in Hydrology" that we denote as "ZHydro-Seminar-day".  It takes place every year in the fall semester. In the year 2023, it took place November 01. The schedule and abstracts of the event can be found here.

Figure 1: An illustration of a critical zone observatory (figure from NSF Southern Sierra Critical Zone Observatory/Jenny Park)